I’ve been talking for a while about my kids’ book, but haven’t yet shown any of the final pieces – until today!

This piece took a long while on account of my day job, but I quite like how it turned out. I’ll probably throw a little bit of type on it when the actual story is written, but so far I’m just making the story through its pictures. 🙂
All of the images are being done in watercolor.

In this image, the Clevenger kids have just narrowly escaped a sticky situation involving a Dunkleosteus, and time-jump a little ways into the Late Devonian, where they drop in on some Acanthostega.
Friendly proto-amphibians! ^_^

More pieces and half-pieces from the Clevenger Kids bedtime adventure:
click meh!

Also, some pieces I’ve done on the side:

The Dolphins of Japan, inspired by the recent slaughter at the Cove of Taiji.

Ornithocheirus, one of my favorite pterosaur species.

And the Battlecat of He-Man, redesigned.

until next tiems!
